Monday, January 11, 2016

How To Write a Good Thesis Statement

Mr. Tompkins


The thesis is the ONE sentence that contains
the foundation, the premise, the argument
you are presenting to your readers.
It is the core of the essay.
Strive to make it strong and clear.


  • It must be ARGUABLE.
This means it presents an opinion, an argument, or an illustration of a view or experience.  It is not a mere statement of fact. 

  • It must ADDRESS the TOPIC.
While this element seems obvious too, writers often get going and one thought leads to another and another and the topic gets left behind. Re-read the prompt several times to make sure you haven’t gone off topic beyond the parameters of the assignment. 

  • It must be SPECIFIC enough to be covered in the paper.
What is the length of the assignment: two pages? ten pages? The length determines how broad or narrow the scope of your thesis will be. Adjust accordingly. 

  • It must MAKE SENSE.
This is the catch-all element that asks you to re-consider your wording, syntax, diction, and grammar. Make changes as you see fit.

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