Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Agenda for Week 1/14 and 1/19


1. Reading beneath the surface is called
a. skimming
b. light
c. critical
d. exploring

2. One characteristic of “active reading” is
a. taking notes or highlighting the text
b. reading on the bus or metro
c. keeping up with new books as they are released
d. learning about the author before you read a book

3. T or F: Edward Jones explored his talent as a young writer with the love letters that pursuaded Sandra Walker to love him

4. T or F: Jones used the phrase “shacks of life” as a metaphor for a place to find himself as he moves through the challenges of life

5. T or F: writing a journal gives a student-writer the opportunity to explore his or her ideas without the interference of anyone else - a chance to communicate with oneself.

2. Announcements-
-gotta have your CR and your journal. order Little Scarlet from Amazon now
-Main Subject for the day is “ critical reading” (see the column on the syllabus”
-today’s handouts: principles of outlining

(while students write, do check-off on CR written homework and the posts)

Becoming a writer

-Discuss CR chapter 1: p. 3-17
writers are made not born
 -review the four bullet points on p. 3-4
 -take time and become an active reader for “Sixteen”

-Discuss Developing an essay p.19-32
-in-class exercises 
      a. turn a photo into a written description and then turn it back into a picture: to test the ability of students to pinpoint important details and then to figure out how to describe something precisely. (bring photos)

Reading for today
-Two  Shootings  (historically it’s under-policing that’s been the problem)
  a. thesis statement
  b. facts vs.opinions
  c. review the outline structure from handout “Example of Descriptive Essay…” and “back-outline” the editorial


a. T of F: Sixteen, the title of Charlie Spence’s essay, has double meaning: one is personal, the other is has broader meaning
b. T or F: In the year 2000, California voters passed prop 21, which made is possible for minors as young as 14 to be tried as adults if they commit serious crimes.
c. American justice has sentenced more than 2300 juveniles to life in prison. True of false: Israel, the only other country to apply such sentences, has only done so seven times.
d. Juveniles are seven times more likely to commit suicide in adult prison as compared to those in juvenile facilities
e. True of false: because we live in a democracy, voters must be allowed to legislate how justice is delivered

-review dates for essay 1
-sign in to blogspot to post
Journal: 158 families gave over half of the money to presidential political campaigns. the richest 1% of the world controls more wealth than everyone else combined. Think about this and write for 30 minutes on what that means in the lives of people like you and I. 

-begin by back outlining
-Sixteen - analyze the first paragraph (the answer to “where or how do i start)
 a. what’s the purpose of prisons and prison terms from a societal perspective? What does “prison reform” mean?
  b. where is the thesis statement?
  c. what was the effect of the setup (what were the elements of it - the rain, the sheriffs words etc)
   d. look for bias in his opinions? (how about yours?) check yourself for your own possible bias
   e. Find the topic sentences, evidence etc (the structure of the essay)
   f. how did the idea of imprisoning kids build?
Essay #1: Discuss the prompt: if you haven’t done it as assigned, you have 30 minutes to go out and do a 20 minute observation. You can’t do something by memory.
-What is “dominant impression”
Review outline format
Use example from E 28 papers

work on outline 

Start with the most important word in English language
parts of speech chapter 46 p368-
pronouns - what is an antecedent - imagine life without pronouns
-personal pronouns
-possessive pronouns (Indicate ownership)
also: intensive reflexive demonstrative indefinite and reciprocal, interrogative Who and what  relative (the writer WHO…
demonstrative pronouns (this that these those) indefinite pronouns refer to non specific people or things  indefinite the cows ran wild except for one

Verbs: verbs express action or being. a main verb possibly preceded by one of more helping verbs. there are 23 helping verbs such as have has had do does did etc
-modals relate to the mood of a verb
the verb to be is highly irregular
particles are words closely associated with verbs (bring up; call off; etc)

HOMEWORK (for 1/21)

Read “C-word in the Hallways”
-post a one paragraph summation of the essay.
-study "How to write a good thesis statement" (handout - post)
           also: "Examples of Descriptive Essay "

Read chapter 3 on revising

R4W - Exercises 19-1, p. 187 & Ex. 19-2, pp. 187-8
Read ‘Creating a useful outline.” Be ready to discuss it in class.

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